I am Pope of this dump!
Over 3 Billion Served!!!
Everyone else has a web site, so I figured, why
not me too? On this site read along as I share my interests and ideas. If you want to know about the elusive and dangerous
Frank, check out his website filled with fun and little known facts. If you want to know anything else about Frank, just ask
(please submit $3.00 with every request). Now you can say, "I am in the 'know' about all things concerning Frank."
My Favorites
Favorite Band or Musician:
Old disco, 80's, Creed, little rap, classic country, dance; a really haphazard list
Favorite TV show: Will and Grace, Sex in the
City, South Park, Queer as Folk, Get Smart, The Beverly Hillbillies, Friends, Seinfeld, Sanford and Son, Batman, Six Feet
Under, Everybody Loves Raymond, Green Acres, I Dream Of Jeanie, Bewitched, The Munsters, Saturday Night Live, The Office
Favorite movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding,
Austin Powers Flicks, Something About Mary, The English Patient-----yeah right--this is probably the worst movie I ever saw,
7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Calamity Jane, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Malibu's Most Wanted, Spiderman, The Ghost and Mrs.
Muir, The Birdcage, Vanilla Sky, My Dog Skip, no Way Out, The Other Sister, Porkys, Muriel's Wedding, Serial Mom
Favorite book: Anything Sidney Sheldon (yes
the creator of "I Dream of Jeanie), Stephen King, Marley and Me by John Grogan
Favorite sports team: Orioles
Favorite food: Pizza and fries, veggie sushi
My Hobbies
Read, movies, friends, family, exercise,
play, laugh, scream occasionally, drink beer and jello shooters.
Most Admired
Mom, Dad, Mike, Little John
To make a wish run your cursor over my picture and then left click!!
The all knowing all seeing Frank-Left click me |
Make a wish- Go head, make one |
Favorite Links
Frank the Realtor
Search for property and find answers to many real estate questions here:
Call with all your real estate questions and I will be happy to help you.
Competent, reliable, honest, hard-working, handsome, and modest.
Pray for your favorite celebrities here:
(ie:Michael Jackson, Madonna, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.)
Create Yourself in Plastic on the Moon or in a Dungeon!