1) That funny looking man that walks out 36th Street
upright with his chest poking out and with a briefcase, sombrero, and his black stocking-socks pulled up to his knees.
2) Hot Taco
3) Michael Jackson
4) Dyke on a bike
5) Slow eater of Holy Frijoles
6) Guac man/walks around with a back pack on
7) Any American president still alive, especially George Dubya
(other than Jimmy Carter-I like him he is nice)
8) Marty of Fraziers
9) Bitch tits (attn: Geoff and Anna Brookins)
10) Leonardo DiCaprio
11) Anybody with a mullet
12) Anna D. (Especially for Mandy and Megan)
13) Anybody in politics
14) Anna Nicole Smith (Anna Nicole dissed by Tanya W)
15) Everyone who played on "What's Happening" except Shirley-
I loved her
16) Chuck B (Mr B)
17) Miss Marcie
19) Miss Barbara
20) That "butterfly lady" who dances her way thru every parade in Baltimore (submitted
by Brenda R )
21) Marmaduke (wet dog loves that word mashugana) (submitted
by annonymous)
22) Brillo Head/Jim S. (also for her-as well as the rest of
23) John Ritter (From Three's Company)
25) Everybody in NSync
26) Removal request granted (damn, that
was a good one too)
27) The guy who plays the saxophone and sings on the corner by the Dunkin Donuts in the Super Fresh
shopping center...(submitted be Lisa D.)He also does this on the corner of 36th and Roland
28) Oh,
and all the junkies on the corner of Falls & 36th in front of 7-11,I mean how obvious can the crack-whores be????(also
submitted be Lisa D.)
Roses are red,
violets are blue.
If I was on this list,
then I would boo hoo.
More to come-send in your suggestions, or if you want to be
featured on this page-
Send all serious submissions to